Category: Writing

Fear and Trembling

The skies roared and fell.  The fire burned and shimmered.  His eyes were malice, and in the heat there could be nothing more cold.  Death captured within a gaze, careless and despondent he stood within the maelstrom of his own fury.  

He was hurt and bleeding, but felt it not.  The song of his damnation rang in the streets, hatred and anger sat in his chest as more friend than any living soul.  They all burned.  It was better this way, he was stronger alone.  

Named Flamesinger by those never-seen, he embraced the name, became the name, forged the name.

Tremble and know his song.

Caress of the Dark

As it is oft wont to do,  the darkness held me that night. She wrapped me in her star laden gossamer,  whispers of sweet nothings nimbly brushing past my ears.  She sighed, a whirl of wind in the grass beneath my face.  She would hold me forever, this summer night, if only I would let her.   Years we’ve spent together,  my shadowy mistress and I.  Yet I feel a stirring, an unease in her arms. Does she know? Surely I have not spoken to her of my growing desire to abandon her for the warmth of her sister’s glowing bosom.  Daylight,  she calls herself, and her radiance is beyond my control to deny.

If I Were Dying

Sittin’ in my car
On a rainy spring day,
Got to wonderin
How I could show you,
How I could say..

If I were dyin’
One thing you oughtta know,
Is that I love you.
Don’t be afraid
When you see me go.

How much life,
How much life do I let slip by,
Before I truly start to live?
Why sit on the sidelines,
When I’ve so much yet to give?

If I were dyin’
One thing you oughtta know,
Is that you’re beautiful.
So put on a smile,
And forever let it show.

But don’t ya dare
Mistake my words and think I’m done.
I’m gonna rock this world
Through the settin of the sun.

I wanna show you all,
I want you to see,
There’s more to life,
So lift your heart
And just let it be!

If I were dyin’
One thing you oughtta know,
You’re stronger than the days
That come before you.

Raise your head,
Let God’s grace flow in.
Find the simple love,
Find the simple love
And power that comes from the Father.

Raise your head,
Move forward with a smile.
My love for you is strong,
So trust in that a while,
Just a while..
Trust in that a while.

Stairway to Heaven

Hey Fictioneers!  I’m still alive!  Something a little different this time…

Genre: Almost Non-Fiction (notice the sad lack of “fantasy”)

I looked toward the ladder near the bookshelf in consternation.  Slowly, I turned to gape at my mom who has taught me most of what I know of faith.  I then turned to my Dad, who opened my eyes to a world I never could have seen without his help.  Such a dilemma this was!  Fraught, caught in indecision and beseeching the great Lord above.  Slowly, my little toes crinkled and my muscles reacted.  Before my frightened mind could comprehend what was happening, I stood staring up at the ladder. “Could the stairway to heaven possibly end this way?”.

The Steed and the Serpent….(Friday Fictioneers!!!)

Yep.  I’m back.  I should have warned you like Arnold in Terminator.  I did not, and for that I am horrendously sorry.  Actually, no I’m not, but that’s not the point.  I’m back!!  Boom.  Let’s do this.  Consider me….rusty.


Genre: Seriously? By now I’d think you’d know its Fantasy.

Copyright -Douglas M. MacIlroy

The serpent sneered.  He was too devious for this Stone Steed.  How he ended up in the brute’s mouth still befuddled.  His lightning-fast tongue gave ample warning, the ground rumbling with the granite gallop, yet here he was.  He tested his range of motion, sliding his body to the left.  Motion.  Good…  Just a little bit of scaly tail around a hoof, and he could end this.  The horse twisted its head.  Never mind.  He was debating using the strength of his water-glands when he felt a sharp increase in the pressure.  Water sprayed and he smiled wistfully.  So this is……..

The Steel Bird (Friday Fictioneers!)

Ready Fictioneers?  It’s Friday….charge!!

Genre: Duh.


The steel birds rose in confidence to claim open skies.  Pilots lived within, touting their flight as unparalleled.  Oh, how I proved them wrong.  Oh, how I longed to all these ages!  With my strength alone and my will, they fly no more.  The humans cower and tremble beneath my sunset gaze.  And so they should, these miniscule beasts that rise from the earth, breed and fall back to ash!  I am Guardian of this planet; now I return to set the balance.  You who once looked upon me in the night, behold my true glory.  I am Draco, Heaven-Lord!


I apologize for the darkness of this entry.  This is my only disclaimer.  Sometimes my writing becomes my emotion, and this is one of those times.  That being said, thank you Rochelle for the outlet, and thank you Fictioneers for allowing me to delve into a different place.


Genre: Dark Literature

/copyright-Claire Fuller

I have been poked and prodded too many times.  Too many times the hammer of life has set its will against mine.  Too many times has it won.  Like a weathered mountain or table of clay, I can only be so alone, I can only take so many beatings before I crack.  My heart, on blackened ink, is long forgotten.  My heart’s desire no longer remembers me for who I am, she questions my truth and my faith.  I am a fading cloud or a whispered memory.  I am the dusk before the darkness.  A wraith I become, I am.

The Lady of Fae

Ok.  So a lovely lady (pictured below), found out about my blog and just so happened to read the entire thing.  She has since requested that I do a one-hundred word challenge with a self provided photo.

Here goes nothing:



She was the Lady of Fae, midnight-haired keeper of her people.  She tucked, whirled, tumbled and twirled.  Intricate as the shadows, her feet touched and spun the weaves of her tempestuous magic.  Around she danced, feet flaring with every touch to stone.  The wind licked at her heels, spinning even as she completed each circuit around the borders of her homeland.  Flame sealed the defenses with a radiant kiss.  The air thundered at her final touch; as she lay on the steps of her home, lightning cracked the skies.  She smiled up, knowing that someone, somewhere, had seen her image.