Category: Word Challenges


I found yet another 100 word challenge and I’m taking a liking to these.  This one can be found at Julia’s Place and it involves a word prompting about lights…hence the title 😉

…the prompt is, “…they worked when I put them away…



The dark haired woman looked up at her husband, a man people on their street called “The Wizard of Warding Way”, tears in her eyes.  They couldn’t be closer to the truth.  She had seen the ever living lights.

“The elf lights, they aren’t moving or coming alight!  I know I wrapped’em gentle love, they worked when I put them away!” A sob broke free of her lips as “the wizard” wrapped her in his arms.


“It’s ok dear, its ok.  Hush now.”  He looked down and winked at the line of elves.  They winked back and smiled.  He waved his hand and they stood as one.