Tag: 100 words

The Steed and the Serpent….(Friday Fictioneers!!!)

Yep.  I’m back.  I should have warned you like Arnold in Terminator.  I did not, and for that I am horrendously sorry.  Actually, no I’m not, but that’s not the point.  I’m back!!  Boom.  Let’s do this.  Consider me….rusty.


Genre: Seriously? By now I’d think you’d know its Fantasy.

Copyright -Douglas M. MacIlroy

The serpent sneered.  He was too devious for this Stone Steed.  How he ended up in the brute’s mouth still befuddled.  His lightning-fast tongue gave ample warning, the ground rumbling with the granite gallop, yet here he was.  He tested his range of motion, sliding his body to the left.  Motion.  Good…  Just a little bit of scaly tail around a hoof, and he could end this.  The horse twisted its head.  Never mind.  He was debating using the strength of his water-glands when he felt a sharp increase in the pressure.  Water sprayed and he smiled wistfully.  So this is……..

Shadows and Accusation (Friday Fictioneers)

Well Christmas is pretty much over for me.  It was a great weekend but now I have to get back to it!  So without further ado here is this week’s Friday Fictioneers entry…Hosted by none other than Rochelle Wisoff-Fields…Look at the picture, write 100 words.  Easy right?  Nope.  But hey, its fun so see below would you already?

Copyright-Scott L. Vannatter

The creature stood before her in the dim light, eyes glowing with accusation.  Candles having long since sputtered out,  she let her natural dark-sight take over as she glared back with obvious annoyance.  Hours and days and days and hours she spent fitting all the images together.  Would they believe her?  How could she convince the Wise Ones on the elder council to hear warnings she had yet to scribe?  The nearly blank page beneath the striped shadow accused her in its ruined purity.  The start so far would not be enough. “Esteemed Elders, we stand to soon be threatened…”