Tag: literature

Off to a Strong Start!!

Well I got almost 1700 words done for today’s portion of NaNoWriMo.  Overshot by 33 words for posterity’s sake… Or maybe to not feel like an underachiever.  Who knows?

It kind of helps to work nights, and have work slow down a bit at times so I could put together in my mind what I wanted to say.  The rest was just detailing and filling the cracks.  If I can flow like this through the next 29 chapters aka days, this will be a successful endeavor indeed!  I’m super pumped, but mentally drained.  I’d love to give some awesome insight into life, but right now the only insight I can give those of you is that sleep is amazing and I”ll be doing it very shortly.

In other news, Lucasfilm was purchased by Disney recently.  Let my inner nerd begin a happy dance at the prospect of the new Jedi Academy becoming a reality.  This could be a really good tide turner, but I guess we can’t just base that off of all the Marvel films now can we?  Who knows.  I just know I’m excited.  I’ve been single long enough now to start finding out what I”m passionate about again, and the writing is a huge step.  Maybe I’ll find myself writing a Star Wars story sometime down the road.  That would be a fun endeavor just because the research involved would mean purposefully learning about the Force.  Darn.  Get those movies made!!!

Thus the adventure begins (well…almost)

Well I’m a bit leery today, as its the 31st and was a full moon not too recently which makes our drivers (I work in transportation right now) crankier than usual.  Not to mention its the 31st.  That means tomorrow is the first of November, which brings about Nanowrimo 2012.  I’m elated because its my first shot at writing 50,000 words in 30 days, but terrified at the prospect.  That’s a lot of wordage!  The plus side is that I have a story-line and main character…well some semblance of a story line anyways.  At least I have a character to toss around on paper!  He should love it as long as I send him to some cool, dangerous places.  Maybe he won’t love it, I don’t know.  Maybe he’ll start a rebellion in my brain — it would not surprise me one bit.

50,000 words.  One month.  Come whither and tither if you will.  I’ll post a link to my NaNoWriMo page shortly.