Tag: stories

Friday Fictioneers 12/7….7hours late!

Ok so I just found this thing thanks to elappleby who I’m following, which led me to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields and Friday Fictioneers…I’m 7 hours late but hey, better late than never I say!  All it entails is looking at the picture and drawing your own story from it, a story that is 100 words(give or take a few if you wish) long.  Here’s the photo.  See below for the story

In his last few seconds the robed man stood in wonder at the surreal beauty of a single moment.  The undulating roar building in the dragon’s maw shook the walls of the house, a deep earth rumbling hiss.  Still this did nothing to spare him of the moment.  The flame-spark ignited, lighting the hall to mid-day brilliance, an image that would literally remain with him the rest of his life.

Ironic.  He thought.  That the stories of a light at the end of a hall in the end of all things should come true for me.  The mage then wondered at the beauty of his death.

Off to a Strong Start!!

Well I got almost 1700 words done for today’s portion of NaNoWriMo.  Overshot by 33 words for posterity’s sake… Or maybe to not feel like an underachiever.  Who knows?

It kind of helps to work nights, and have work slow down a bit at times so I could put together in my mind what I wanted to say.  The rest was just detailing and filling the cracks.  If I can flow like this through the next 29 chapters aka days, this will be a successful endeavor indeed!  I’m super pumped, but mentally drained.  I’d love to give some awesome insight into life, but right now the only insight I can give those of you is that sleep is amazing and I”ll be doing it very shortly.

In other news, Lucasfilm was purchased by Disney recently.  Let my inner nerd begin a happy dance at the prospect of the new Jedi Academy becoming a reality.  This could be a really good tide turner, but I guess we can’t just base that off of all the Marvel films now can we?  Who knows.  I just know I’m excited.  I’ve been single long enough now to start finding out what I”m passionate about again, and the writing is a huge step.  Maybe I’ll find myself writing a Star Wars story sometime down the road.  That would be a fun endeavor just because the research involved would mean purposefully learning about the Force.  Darn.  Get those movies made!!!