A Vision…(Friday Fictioneers)

Well since I’ll be out of town for a Christmas gathering I figured I’d get a jump (at exactly 100 words!) on this Friday Fictioneer week!  See below…

Copyright -Douglas M. MacIlroy

The woman with the flowing, pitch black hair and determined, yet delicate elven features gasped at the vision in her mind.  She saw chains and a stake, a shaping of worlds eternally bound behind shackles of iron fencing.   Our world?  She wondered silently.  Flashes of bright orange–fire?– and sharp objects seized her heart.

The elder council must be warned, for if she was right, they would soon be fighting to avoid that which they fear most.  The bitter rusting decay of mortality.  The council could not, nay, would not… allow their race to fall, to become as a man.

41 thoughts on “A Vision…(Friday Fictioneers)

  1. I like your story (and have fun at your Christmas gathering, by the way). I think it would more sense (and read better as well) if at the end you said, “become as man.”

    1. Thank you thank you. I will have a blast. Fun and family and warmth. Nothing better is there in life. And i agree with you! I debated on that ending for 15 mins.

  2. Visions of change threatening the Immortals. Doom foretold by portent and prophecy. Lovely stuff.

    (casting my lot in with Janet re your last line.)



    1. Aloha Doug! Thanks for popping by again sir! I think I’m casting my lot with the both of you as well. I’d love to continue this and see what the elder council does with the news.

  3. Ooh I love this! I enjoy fantasy fiction!
    If you ever write further on this story, do let me know. I would love to read it!

    1. Ha! You’re in luck. Reception to this 100 word snippet is so good I’m already formulating ideas! 😉 Soon. How soon? I don’t know, but soon.

    1. Rochelle, always good to see you here. I’m hoping they will, but you know…elves can be mighty stubborn and stuck in their ways sometimes. May take a little ‘nudge’ to get them moving.

  4. I am normally not a big fan of fantasy fiction but this was poetic. The imagery strong and clear. To my own surprise I really like it. Good work, man.


  5. well done. there is danger emerging. here’s one way to save a couple of words.

    instead of “the vision in her mind”

    consider “cerebral vision” or something like that.

    1. It came out at exactly 100 after much shaving already haha… I don’t think, however, that “cerebral” fits the feel I am going for at this point. Thanks for the feedback sir! Keep it comin 🙂

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